I Say Hello: Marlon Byrd

On December 31, Mr. Marlon Byrd signed a 3-year, 15 million dollar contract with the Cubs. If you have read this blog lately, you know that I have been predicting that this would happen all along. Aren’t I clever?

I don’t think any fans are very enthused over this move. Mr. Byrd isn’t the sort of player who is going to float down to Wrigley Field upon a cloud, tear up  National League pitching and finally make all our dreams come true. It is, however, worth noting that:

  1. No make-our-dreams-come-true type player was really available AND
  2. Even if there was, we wouldn’t have been able to afford him at this point.

Mr. Byrd is a decent player. He can hit a bit, and moving to the NL and Wrigley Field shouldn’t hurt him. His defense may be a trifle sketchy, but at least Kosuke will be able to relocate back to right field, where he excels.

Think positive, Cubs fans! Mr. Byrd may not be Willie Mays, but neither is he Milton Bradley. Therefore, I say: Welcome to Chicago, Marlon Byrd! May your years here be prosperous and may the end of that tenure bring bittersweet tears to my eyes.

Three additional sunshiney thoughts for my Chicago brethren:

1. The annual Cubs Convention is right around the corner! Even if you’re stuck at home like me, wistfully longing that you could be there, it’s still exciting, no?

2. After that, Spring Training is only a month away! Pitchers and catchers report February 18th!!! BE READY!

3. How ’bout them Blackhawks, eh?

1 thought on “I Say Hello: Marlon Byrd

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